Stay Informed

Access Program

The Access Program is the main entry point to services within each Area Agency on Aging. Options counselors provide current information on available services, link consumers to community services or programs, and ensure individuals receive needed services. The aging services network is committed to helping seniors remain in their own homes and maintain a high quality of life for as long as possible.

Options Counselors

  • Provide accurate and current information regarding available support services, programs, and opportunities within the local community.
  • Assess unmet needs and capacities of the individuals.
  • Link the individuals to the support programs and services available in the community.
  • Conduct follow-up to ensure individuals receive the needed services.
  • Serve the entire community of the older individuals, particularly older individuals with greatest social and economic need.


The purpose of the program is to identify older individuals, disabled adults and their families to provide education about and encourage use of existing services and benefits. Outreach activities are conducted for services provided through the Area Agencies on Aging and their subcontractors, the provider community, and other agencies.

Outreach activities may take the form of: events, one to one conversations, speaking engagements, public service announcements, mailings or other means. Outreach also identifies home bound or isolated people in need of services. Assistance is also provided in accessing appropriate services.

Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act

Open Enrollment for Medicare recipients is October 15 through December 7th – make sure to review your prescription drug coverage and make changes if needed. Call 1-800-247-4422 for more information.

Open Enrollment – English Video

Inscripción Abierta – Español